New BankingBridge Product Announcement:
LIVE RATE Display Ads For Google Display Network

Here at BankingBridge, we knew there was a better way to design display ads. We wanted to take our philosophy of real time rate display and provide our customers an advantage over the giants of the mortgage industry. We have found that the majority of small to mid-sized mortgage lenders have lower rates, lower fees, and have higher customer reviews than larger mortgage banks and mortgage lenders.

Our unique BankingBridge product leverages our customers' advantage through Google, the widely used ad network, to promote what is important to the customer, real time rates. We have partnered with Optimal Blue’s pricing engine to deliver real time rates that update with market changes directly into our pre-designed display ads. The first technology that actually allows for real time rate display. This offering comes with complete design creative, custom campaign audience, and ads management.
Our interactive display ads allow the user to interact with a credit score slider which adjusts the interest rate in real time. The “Call To Action” button drives users to the BankingBridge supported rate comparison directly on your website.
Check out a live interactive display ad.
Reach out to our team to learn more about how adding display ads to your marketing strategy sets you above the competition.